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This fundaraiser is for OLL School Students only.


"Hogwarts" at OLL Club (5th & 6th Graders)

Hosted by Ms. Scarfogliero

Monday 3PM - 4PM

Capacity: 10 Students


"Wands at the ready!"  If you are a STREAM fan, as well as a "Harry Potter" book series lover, then prepare to have your spirits "wingardium leviosa”-ed by joining our club! We will be sorted into houses to enjoy classes in which you can make a working light up wand to practice Charms, get your hands dirty during Herbology class, & enjoy some other magical activities! Hope to see you at the start of term!


All clubs start the week of March 10th and run through the week of April 14th for a total of 6 weeks.


Please Note: The weeks of April 28th and May 5th will be used to makeup any clubs that are cancelled due to holidays and early dismissals.

40650 School Enrichment - "Hogwarts" at OLL Club

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Our Lady of Lourdes Church
65 Wright Avenue
Malverne, NY 11565
(516) 599-1269


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OLL School Logo

Our Lady of Lourdes School
76 Park Boulevard
Malverne, NY 11565
Phone (516) 599-7328

© 2021 Our Lady of Lourdes - Malverne NY

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