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This fundaraiser is for OLL School Students only.


Cooking Club (8th grade only)

Hosted by Mr. Damour and Mrs. Clausen

Thursday 2:50 PM - 4:30 PM

Capacity: 12 Students including those that paid in the Fall (Only 3 open spots)


This club will grant students the opportunity to share, bond, work, and of course, eat! Our relationship with food is truly one that is unique. Food has a way of bringing everyone together, whether you are a child or two world leaders ironing out your differences. Benefits of joining this club will be improving self-confidence, enhancing cooking skills, promoting socialization amongst peers and increasing cultural awareness.


All clubs start the week of March 10th and run through the week of April 14th for a total of 6 weeks.


Please Note: The weeks of April 28th and May 5th will be used to makeup any clubs that are cancelled due to holidays and early dismissals.

40650 School Enrichment - Cooking Club

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Our Lady of Lourdes Church
65 Wright Avenue
Malverne, NY 11565
(516) 599-1269


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Our Lady of Lourdes School
76 Park Boulevard
Malverne, NY 11565
Phone (516) 599-7328

© 2021 Our Lady of Lourdes - Malverne NY

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